Friday, August 25, 2006

You Need to Go to This Website, Now

It's called UTNOW, and its the best internet hosted, free-for-the people video blog I've come across in my many long hours of perusing the world wide web.

It's basically this guy named Scott, who lives in Texas and I imagine goes to college there, giving his insight on pretty much everything. In his last entry alone, he made a two-minute long animated music video featuring dodo birds, talked about SNAKES ON A PLANE, and made telling us how hot it is in Texas bearable to listen to. He isn't just another teenage cocky jackoff with a website (not that I'm one of those or anything), he's a guy with a brain. He's smart, well-researched, funny, and entertaining to watch. I don't know how long he works on his videos, but from the editing quality alone I wouldn't be surprised if it took him several hours to make a seven-minute video.

Basically, the guy is the man. Again, his name is Scott, and he takes house calls. Give him a ring at 832-330-NADS. Call in, he'll listen. Maybe he'll be cool enough to get you on the show, even though he can't get any cooler.

1 comment:

Scott said...

haha. ok. so I google-stalked myself and you sir, just made my night. ;)