Thursday, August 17, 2006

Christopher Walken! Cowbell! Dancing! HAIRSPRAY!

Okay, I'm not a fan of musicals. Watching them, that is. When I can soothe audiences' ears with my melodic magic, that's one thing. When I watch them, that's another. They're hokey and campy for the most part, and require a suspension of disbelief that I really can't, nor want, to feel. GREASE is fine. CHICAGO is terrific. Other than that, musicals suck. Don't get me started on RENT...

Anyways, they're making a HAIRSPRAY movie. Do I really care? No. I know that it's one of the most critically and financially successful shows on Broadway (okay). I know the movie has John Travolta (yawn) and Queen Latifa (whatever). But here's some news guys...


Like I said, I don't know much about HAIRSPRAY story-wise. But I now know that Christopher Walken will be singing and dancing in a movie. Take it slow guys, don't wet your panties in anticipation.

HAIRSPRAY will probably come out some time in '07. In honor of this casting milestone, I present to you, the cowbell video, and my homage.


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