Friday, March 16, 2007

Greatest of My Generation

Since I haven't been able to watch so many movies lately, I've been thinking more about the ones I have seen. Here's a rough list of the best and worst of my generation...

The Worst
10. Adam Sandler (Click, Little Nicky, Big Daddy, Bulletproof, The Waterboy)
09. Half Past Dead
08. Batman & Robin
07. The One
06. Cube Zero
05. Baby Geniuses
04. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
03. Hulk
02. Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events
01. Battlefield Earth

The Best
20. The Usual Suspects
19. Brokeback Mountain
18. American Beauty
17. Saving Private Ryan
16. Good Will Hunting
15. Forrest Gump
14. The Truman Show
13. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
12. King Kong
11. The Incredibles
10. Mulholland Dr.
09. Children of Men
08. Heat
07. The Thin Red Line
06. The Shawshank Redemption
05. City of God
04. Pulp Fiction
03. The Departed
02. Fight Club
01. The Lord of the Rings

I'm thinking I'm going to make an All-Time Best list over the summer, with sexy pictures and (hopefully) interesting read-ups. I also kind of feel that this list is too mainstream, and that I haven't dabbled in fringe and art-house film enough. I'm not saying I want my movie persona to be defined as a wannabe art-snob, but I'd like to add more depth to my docket. Don't hold your breath though.

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