Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Random movies I've been watching...

So yeah, I haven't sat through that many new movies lately, but through the miracle of the movie channels and cable TV, I've had my fill of channel surfings and so on.

MEAN GIRLS- Say what you want, this movie is fucking funny. Tina Fey wrote it, and from all indicators (30 ROCK on NBC is one of the fall's most successful new shows-though I don't watch it), she has some talent. It bites and is still touching, and really gets the main vibes of high school (the cliques, the sexual yearning, the fights, the retarded trends, the teachers who don't know a clue), even if they're over-exaggerated and Hollywood-ized. And yeah, Lindsay Lohan is gorgeous in it, and this was in a time when she wasn't completely skankified.

FIGHT CLUB- Cory, Kyle, and I got lost trying to get to East Auburn on Friday, so we ended up raiding Wal-Mart and going back to the home front and watching this miracle of a movie. When I think about it, this could be my favorite movie, right up there with the LORD OF THE RINGS films. I'm surprised I've never gone on a complete tangent about it on here, seeing how every line of dialogue, every performance, every shot, and every concept get better and more entertaining with each viewing. From Bob's bitch tits to Marla 'never being fucked like that since grade school', this movie makes me scream in laughter. Scream. I don't have to go into how fucking manly of a movie it is either, do I? Although some have called it macho porn (I'm looking at you Roger Ebert, who gave AKEELAH AND THE BEE 4 stars), I think it's macho greatness. On its simplest level, it's a bunch of guys beating each other up, which is kickass. On its deepest, it is surreally fucked up and a socially important film.

THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS- I've probably seen this a dozen times, so don't criticize me too much for switching back and forth between this and MEAN GIRLS the other night. It is epic in every sense of the word, and better than about 97% of all other movies out there, but it doesn't quite ever grasp the brother-ish connection between the characters as well as THE FELLOWSHIP and THE RETURN OF THE KING do. Like I said though, it is better than 97% of pretty much everything else I've ever seen.

CITY OF GOD- Caught the last twenty minutes or so of this violent piece of visual poetry on IFC last night, and I wish I had known it was on earlier. I've seen it twice before, and it's as completely enthralling on its third viewing as it was the first time around. It is to me what GOODFELLAS is to most other people: the supreme stylized gangster pic (THE DEPARTED and THE GODFATHER are a little better, but they aren't what I would call super-stylized like this). The performances (especially by both of the Rockets and both of the Li'l Zé's), the action, the multiple storylines, and the amazing screenplay combine for a knockout punch of a movie. At this point in the game it probably cracks my Top Five of the decade so far. A breahtaking first film by Fernando Meirelles.

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