Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Wow. The fourth (and possibly last, but I doubt it) season of FX's NIP/TUCK was terrific. The writers upped the anty on it, elevating it from exclusively soap opera bullshit and used-up characters into something that richer. It left the clichés behind, as well as all sense of reality, basically. The problems and conflicts built up and built up, and at about the fourth episode (the show is only 14, but they play three months straight with no missed weeks, which I like) I was about to just turn the damn TV off. Instead of that, I decided to just suspend my disbelief. There is a dream sequence in almost every episode, Sean and Christian have some sort of intimate relationship with almost every one of their clients, and Christian's fiancé's pimpette cuts out kidneys to pay off a drug lord that Christian and Sean did business with.

Coincidence? No, just iffy writing, says I.

But that's OK, because it's just so damn entertaining. It gets juicier and juicier with every episode, from the marital problems between Sean and Julia to the adoption of Chistian's black child. It sounds like daytime television on paper, but it's more. It pushes the artistic boundaries imposed by the FCC in terms of sex and violence, and I'm all for it. The characters are surprisingly well-written and deep for a show with such a superficial concept: the drama surrounding the lives of a couple of Miami platic surgeons. The tagline is pretty true in this case: Deeply Superficial.

Here's to a fifth season.

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