Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Terrell Owens is a Douchebag

Seriously, I hate this guy. He's the biggest pain in the ass of a great player in the last fifteen years in sports. There's no question that he is great when he's healthy. He just isn't. He hasn't played a full season since 2001, when he caught (a good, but not mind-blowing) 93 passes for the 49ers. Since then he has played 14, 15, 14, 7, and 2 (out of 3) games in each season. He's never even been the best wide receiever in the league at any time really, but he bitches like he is. He was once traded from San Francisco to Baltimore in the off-season I believe, but then complained so much that the Ravens shipped him straight to Philadelphia, where he bitched some more.

Anyways, its been about three weeks of quietness, and now he's back in the news. He missed two weeks of training camp for a pulled hamstring and that got Bill Parcells just a little TO'd (get it? tehe). A few days ago he broke a finger and was put on pain killers. That's not enough news for TO though. He reportedly had an 'adverse reaction' to them and needed to be rushed to the emergency room. Maybe its genuine, maybe its a call for attention, maybe its a call for help. Maybe he's just a douchebag.


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