Friday, March 23, 2007

If I Don't Get Some Shelter

It seems there a bit of significant news to report. Jonathon Nolan, the writer behind brother Christopher Nolan's mini-masterpieces MEMENTO and THE PRESTIGE has reportedly been asked to write the script for a rumored Steven Spielberg future project called INTERSTELLAR. While the film isn't even in pre-production yet, it will supposedly be an epic about the infinite possibilities that wormholes and time & space travel could offer. When I first heard about the project, I thought, 'hey, Spielberg knows how to use a camera, this could work', even though it is a 2001-sized project in terms of plausible scope. It probably won't be as narratively detached as The Ultimate Sci-Fi Film, more along concretely structured along the lines of ET or CLOSE ENCOUNTERS. Expect it to be an event, though. With Spielberg and Nolan on board, I think this could be brain-bogglingly fantastic (a la THE FOUNTAIN).

The thing is, though, don't hold your breath over the project. No one has signed a contract for it, and Spielberg already has his hands full with his LINCOLN biopic, s
upposedly starring Liam Neeson and which I'm interested in, and INDY 4, starring Cate Blachett as the only woman/major cast member under sixty (Ford, Connery, and Clint Freakin' Eastwood are on board for this two-hour long, adrenaline-fueled Bengay commercial), which I'm more than a little bit skeptical about. I can wait though.

In case you live under a rock, 300 opened with the largest spring Opening
Weekend in history, grossing $70,000,000 and it has doubled that since then--and it deserves every penny.

st night, and we killed. I dropped a line, but it happens. That aside, the show couldn't have realistically gone better. Still got four more to go, though, and one of the actors is sick, which could prove to be nauseating. Come see me tonight at 7, tomorrow at 2 or 7, and Sunday at 2.

Leo and Kate are getting back together for REVOLUTIONARY ROAD, a drama about 'a couple in the 1950s who struggle between their own desires and the
conformity of society', which will be coming out probably next November, I'm guessing. Sam Mendes, auteur behind AMERICAN BEAUTY, ROAD TO PERDITION, and JARHEAD, and husband of Winslet (who knew?) will be at the wheel, which makes me happy. His films are so dark and beautiful. Except JARHEAD, which was a bunch of sand and guys without shirts. Even still, I love his work. And I'm gay for Leo DiCaprio (Billy Costigan is the best tragic hero in film since Jake LaMotta). And that scene in TITANIC was the first one to ever get me hot in the pants (plus, Winslet deserved an Oscar for her work in LITTLE CHILDREN). Sounds like love to me.


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