Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Saddam Video...

Is fucked up.

Believe me, I'm glad the bastard is dead. He's the reason why we're in a fucking war right now, with nineteen-year-old American women coming home without legs or missing a nose from a mortar shell hitting their convoy. He's the reason hundreds of thousands of people are dead in the middle east. Not just dead, savagely murdered, I should point out. He deserved to die, and there's no way around it in my mind.

It's just kind of amazing, in a cold, distant way, to see a man die. BOOM. He was alive one second, dead the next. To hear his neck snap in two, with a sound similar to a gunshot, is creepy. I would obviously feel a bit more sympathetic if he wasn't the biggest piece of hate the world has seen in a ruler since the fall of Stalin, but still it's a man's life ending.

On lighter note, how did they film the whole two and a half minutes the execution took? Seriously, fifteen seconds of video on my phone is like, twenty percent of the battery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm a part of Central Command Public Affairs, on a team that exists to engage the blogosphere. I saw your site today while looking for people talking about deployed Soldiers.

Here's what my team does, and why I contacted you. Basically, we email bloggers, try and build both dialogue and relationships, and get information from CENTCOM's area of responsbility out to the blogosphere. Sometimes we get our products (press releases, CENTCOM News, Coalition Bulletin) out to the blogosphere before mass media picks up on it. Sometimes we don't.

Would you be intrestred in placing a link to Central Command on your blogsite.

Also, if you would be intrested in participating in an electronic interview...we can set that up as well.

I appreciate what you are doing for you country and look forward to hearing back from you.

Sgt. Chris Keller
Electronic Media Engagement Team
U.S. Central Command Public Affairs